Sunday, March 16, 2025


 "Late February days; and now, at last, Might you have thought that Winter's woe was past;

So fair the sky was and so soft the air."

-  William Morris

The Cheerful blooms of Prunus mume ' peggy clarke ' are a welcome sight in my garden and the bees love it as well.

I have two large beds of these early blooming Hellebores.  Even when not in bloom they have exotic tropical-looking foliage.  Hellebores bloom for 2 months.

Edgeworthia, aka, Chinese paper bush has a beautiful flower and incredible fragrance.  When the blooms die a tropical looking leaf appears.

And of course what says Spring more than the first daffodils ?  These escaped my neighbors yard and spread to mine !  I hope that they continue to naturalize and fill the garden.

                             Although it doesn't bloom until later, I love this wine-                                     color Euphorbia that looks great all year round.

                             'ascot rainbow ' euphorbia's foliage is also colorful
                              all season.

    How a garden looks when its NOT in bloom is more important to me than when it is.  I have something in bloom or leaf all season.   The golden shrub above is 'sunshine' privet and keeps its color and leaf all season.

Moving on to March and the beginning of Spring.  Looking forward to developing my veggie garden and adding a lot of pollinator plants to my roadside garden.

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