Friday, June 3, 2022


"The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May."
- Edwin Way Teale

May in the Sweet Garden is very colorful with Japanese roof iris, phlox , daffodils, euphorbia, catmint and dianthus blooms.  

The weather has been very pleasant with plenty of rain.  A short heatwave was surprising and rare this time of the year.   The hard freeze we had earlier in the Spring damaged the 'ice dance ' sedge, the 'sunshine ' privet and the 'Lady Banks ' rose.  The good news, however, is that they will recover.

The Hellebores loved the cool wet Spring and have hung on forever.  I finally had to trim off the spent blossoms and dead foliage.  The snapdragons among them survived the winter.

May is a major month of celebration as the first day is my birthday, followed by Mother's Day and a son and daughter born this month.

The early blooms of Autumn Sage  ( left ) attract many hummingbirds that I enjoy watching from my back porch.  I have many bluebird houses throughout my yard and I love watching them fill up.

Early blooms of the most outstanding clematis -'bee's jubilee ' which re-blooms throughout the summer.

Meanwhile in my front woodland garden the Ajuga and viburnums are putting on their Spring blooms.  

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