Friday, November 16, 2018


Last November was full of warm, sunny days with temperatures in the 70's.  The tables turned, however, this month, bringing our first freeze and cold, hard rainy days.  
My preparations for an open studio tour for the very popular annual event sponsored by our Orange County Artists Guild kept me from doing my normal gardening chores.  Since my indoor studio is small I set up my display under the carport.  
I was honored to welcome Helen Yoest to my home and garden. She's a huge art lover and of course gardening diva.

For all the work she does and inspires us gardeners with I created a painting for her titled " The Gardener's Dream. "  Below is a picture of it. The sleeping dreamer is my depiction of Helen . We also toured my young garden which was in the process of decline as winter approaches.  

The open studio was an incredible experience for me as I welcomed many Chapel Hill art lovers who were visibly impressed with my art.  I was also successful in selling quite a few pieces.

November has been a very unusual one weatherwise.  I am still planning to plant a lot of Fall bulbs once the saturated ground dries up.  I'm also hoping for a return of Indian summer.

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