Monday, August 19, 2024



"The Summer looks out from her brazen tower,
Through the flashing bars of July."
-  Francis Thompson, A Corymbus for Autumn  

Record-setting heat in June with little to no rain.  Prayers for rain this July, which is usually the rainest month here in central North Carolina, were finally answered . We had so much rain that many areas were flooded, but the thirsty garden was glad to have it.

The many coneflowers and Black-eyed Susans sprung forth with their cheerful colors.

My roadside garden flourished despite the excessive heat followed by drenching rain.

This will be an expensive month when the bills come in for irrigation and air conditioning !

On a more positive note, for the second year in a row I've noticed fewer Japanese beetles. Unfortunately there's a new pest in the Sweet Garden -rabbits from the neighbors yard.  I've taught my mini-schoodle the word squirrel and now I need to introduce rabbit to his vocabulary of pests to chase.  



 June is the month of roses, often called, the " queen of flowers . "  I planted roses in memory of my dear departed mother who loved them.  Above is the famous 'Knockout ' that was sensational when it made its debut some years ago, due to its continuous bloom and these do, indeed live up to their reputation.

Saw this new purple colored candytuft ( they are usually white only ) and of course I had to have it.  It seems to love my boulder garden and has spread it's beauty quite rapidly.

June is usually a lovely month, weather-wise, but we broke a number of records for hottest temperatures on record.  Many 100 degree days !  In addition, rain was very scarce.  I've spent a great deal of time just watering and I know I'll probably get the largest water bill ever !

Needed a little punch of color in a corner and added this redhot poker plant.  I've seen it in a lot of gardens but its the first time I'm planting it in mine. 

Praying for rain as this very hot dry June ends.


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