Sunday, December 5, 2021


"Most people, early in November, take last looks at their gardens, are are then prepared to ignore them until the spring. 
I am quite sure that a garden doesn't like to be ignored like this.  It doesn't like to be covered in dust sheets, as though
it were an old room which you had shut up during the winter.  Especially since a garden knows how gay and delightful
it can be, even in the very frozen heart of the winter, if you only give it a chance."

-   Beverley Nichols 

I used to dread the month of November when I lived and gardened in Chicago as it was without doubt the end of the gardening season. I'm so delighted that here in Chapel Hill we can garden year round.  

As we Southerners are always " aiming and fixing to " I've finally achieved something in bloom all season .  

            Early December and the 'silver and gold' Japanese mum displays her cheery yellow button flowers and does the 'sunshine ' privet shrubs behind the bird bath.

I'm a big fan of viburnums and dogwoods and both are gracing the garden with their brilliant Fall leaves.  Below is 'Korean spice ' ( the most fragrant of all ), 'arrowood ' viburnum and Kousa dogwood.

Even the 'sheffield pink ' mum has colorful foliage. The weather forecast calls for a warmer than normal winter and the month of December predictions shows temperatures at around 50 daytime highs.  This means that my newly planted shrubs will be busy setting their roots.  

Found an unusual shrub on my visit to Big Bloomers Flower Farm, an hour- long trip away.  'Serendipity ' Magnolia, from Raulston Arboretum,  has a very relaxed structure and is filled with fragrant blossoms.  It's also dwarf, at around 8-10 feet tall. You would never guess it was a magnolia if you just happened upon it.  Can't wait to see it in full bloom.

Also blooming in the November garden are the Camellia 'sasanqua ' to be soon followed by 'japonica'. All of my six camellias are white with yellow centers and pink edges.  If I had to name a favorite it would be 'hana jimani ', below .

Since November has been so warm I've put off planting more Spring-flowering bulbs.  I'll probably have to order them online as it seems most garden centers have replaced them with Christmas stuff.

Looking forward to the last month of this year.  The garden is full of red-berried hollies and nandina and I clip them for the Christmas holiday arrangements.  

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