Here in the Piedmont April 15 is usually considered the day when it is safe to plant as the danger of a heavy freeze is passed. This April we had a late freeze and I had to cover some tender budding fruit trees.
An April addition to the Sweet Garden - " Freckles " , a woodland violet.
It was very dry in early to mid-April and I had to frequently water the newly planted flowers and shrubs during some summer-like hot weather. But, true to its rainy reputation, April didn't fail to produce an abundance of rain that fell so hard and fast it flooded many areas , causing extensive damage and loss of life.
Edgeworthia, aka paper bush, is another April addition.
My experiment with the Fall/Winter vegetable garden was successful and I harvested kale, spinach and green leaf lettuce. I've added cantoloupe, okra, green and red sweet bell peppers and cucumbers .
The time finally arrived to fulfill my promise to Lea to get some chickens. She was so excited to be able to select two choices of her own - a Golden Buff and a Cream legbar. We picked two more-an Ameraucan and Buff Orpington. I chose a coarse sand for the floor of the coop and run as I read it was cleaner and easier to maintain. We shall see. The larger chicken -the Golden Buff, is dominant and the smaller chicks act as if she's their mother.
Farewell April and welcome May. April was certainly full of surprises from very cold to very warm and very dry to very wet. I have come to expect no less from this unpredictable month.