Friday, June 21, 2024


 May Day

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A delicate fabric of bird song
  Floats in the air,
The smell of wet wild earth
  Is everywhere.

Red small leaves of the maple
  Are clenched like a hand,
Like girls at their first communion
  The pear trees stand.

Oh I must pass nothing by
  Without loving it much,
The raindrop try with my lips,
  The grass with my touch;

For how can I be sure
  I shall see again
The world on the first of May
  Shining after the rain?

-Sara Teasdale

 How did it happen that this first day of May finds me celebrating my 80th year of living on God's green earth?!   I thank God for allowing me to continue tending  my little piece of Eden in good health, surrounded by my family and friends.  My older sister Wilma  ( below, center) came down from Chicago to join the celebration.  My younger sister Linda  ( right ) moved from Chicago to Chapel Hill several years ago.

May is a very eventful month with my birthday, two of my children's as well and Mother's day.  It's also a great month to begin the gardening year in earnest.

In our mild climate the garden actually begins to wake up in March and due to the ample rainfall we've had this year it is especially lush.  Early blooming perennials are dianthus, Japanese iris, daffodils, tulips, and phlox.
80 is the new 60 and I plan to continue both gardening and painting 'til I no longer can.  

Looking forward to June and the beginning of Summer.

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